Katsuki Arahara, Hiroaki Nakabayashi, Koji Suizu, and Keizo Cho, “Observation of Composite Periodicity Structure Using POLSAR in Terahertz Waves,” Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics, August 2018.
Takuya Nitsu and Hiroaki Nakabayashi, “A Study of User Capacity for Massive MIMO in Urban Street Canyon Environment,” Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics, August 2018.
Yuki Kamagata, Hiroaki Nakabayashi, Koji Suizu, and Keizo Cho, “Identification of periodic structure target using broadband polarimetry in terahertz radiation,” IEICE Communications Express, vo.7, no.7, 266-271, May 2018.
Naoto Setoguchi, Hiroaki Nakabayashi, and Keizo Cho, “Influence of Channel Prediction Using Theoretical Autocorrelation on MIMO Capacity in Line-of-Sight Environment,” Proceedings of 2017 International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation, December 2017.
Kiyoaki Itoi, Masanao Sasaki, and Hiroaki Nakabayashi, “Study on Antenna Arrangement Optimization of Massive MIMO,” Proceedings of 2017 International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation, December 2017.